
Interface for course intake information. Restricted by resource owner from valid RTOManager-Local client.

GET api/Vet/V1/CourseOfferIntakes?publish={publish}&onlinepaymentflag={onlinepaymentflag}&courseid={courseid}&intakedate={intakedate}&finishdate={finishdate}&vcode={vcode}&vsuburb={vsuburb}&vstate={vstate}&empcode={empcode}

Get all course intakes information list

[Optional] You can filter course intakes result with specific search filter by query strings

  • GET 'api/Vet/V1/CourseOfferIntakes'
  • GET 'api/Vet/V1/CourseOfferIntakes?publish=true'
  • GET 'api/Vet/V1/CourseOfferIntakes?publish=true&onlinepaymentflag=true'

GET api/Vet/V1/CourseOfferIntakes/{id}

Get course intake information by particular course intake code


Interface for courses information. Restricted by resource owner from valid RTOManager-Local client.

GET api/Vet/V1/Courses?active={active}&ctype={ctype}&courseid={courseid}&natcode={natcode}&partialqual={partialqual}&department={department}&faculty={faculty}

Get all courses information list

[Optional] You can filter courses result with specific search filter by query strings

  • GET 'api/Vet/V1/Courses'
  • GET 'api/Vet/V1/Courses?active=true'
  • GET 'api/Vet/V1/Courses?active=true&ctype=aqtf'

GET api/Vet/V1/Courses/{id}

Get course information by particular course Id

GET api/Vet/V1/Courses/{id}/CourseOfferIntakes?publish={publish}&onlinepaymentflag={onlinepaymentflag}&courseid={courseid}&intakedate={intakedate}&finishdate={finishdate}&vcode={vcode}&vsuburb={vsuburb}&vstate={vstate}&empcode={empcode}

Get all associated course offer intakes list for particular course

[Optional] You can filter course intakes result with specific search filter by query strings

  • GET 'api/Vet/V1/Courses/{id}/CourseOfferIntakes'
  • GET 'api/Vet/V1/Courses/{id}/CourseOfferIntakes?publish=true'
  • GET 'api/Vet/V1/Courses/{id}/CourseOfferIntakes?publish=true&onlinepaymentflag=true'


Interface for employer information. Restricted by resource owner from valid RTOManager-Local client.

GET api/Vet/V1/Employers?key={key}&opt={opt}&value={value}

Get all employer information list

[Optional] You can filter employer result with specific search filter set by query strings (must provide 3 valid keys set.)

  • GET 'api/Vet/V1/Employers'
  • GET 'api/Vet/V1/Employers?key=name&opt=equal&value=Wilson Parking'
  • GET 'api/Vet/V1/Employers?key=name&opt=contain&value=Wilson'
  • GET 'api/Vet/V1/Employers?key=code&opt=startwith&value=1'

GET api/Vet/V1/Employers/Validate?empcode={empcode}&empname={empname}&username={username}&email={email}&abn={abn}

Validate if the provided employer information is matching to any existing data or not by provided QUERY String.
The combination of 2 mathcing fields are required.

GET api/Vet/V1/Employers/{employerid}

Get employer information by specified employer id/code

GET api/Vet/V1/Employers/{employerid}/Participants?id={id}&empid={empid}&dateapplied={dateapplied}&status={status}

Get list of associated student/participants for specific employer

GET api/Vet/V1/Employers/{employerid}/Participants/{stdid}

Get particular student/participant formation who is under specific employer.

POST api/Vet/V1/Employers/{employerid}/Applications

Submit new applications for particular employer.

Data will go to StudentCourse_Offer table in RTOManager system by default.

But if system found matching data with existing student, data will go to StudentCourse table in RTOManager system.

Keep in mind that there's no resouce interface to get Student Offers information in the system. Only Students API is available.

POST api/Vet/V1/Employers

Create new employer

All fields are required, except EmployerCode and UserName.

ABN is a key value to check duplicated employer in the system before insert.

POST api/Vet/V1/Employers/Applications

Submit new applications with new employer registration.

Employer model is required to perform new employer registration. If the same ABN matching found, new registration will bypass.

Student models list is required to perform application submitted associated with this employer.

  • Based on provided email address and date of birth, system will check any existing student data.
  • If existed in Student (Participant section), it will simply add new courses to student. No personal information and address detail update.
  • If existed in Offer/Application (Manage Enrolment section), it will simply add new courses to offer/application. No personal information and address detail update.

Keep in mind that there's no resouce interface to get Student Offers information in the system. Only Students API is available.


Interface for student/participant information. Restricted by resource owner from valid RTOManager-Local client.

GET api/Vet/V1/Students?id={id}&empid={empid}&dateapplied={dateapplied}&status={status}

Get all student information list (only latest 500 students, if no URI parameter filter provided.)

[Optional] You can filter student result with specific search filter by query strings

  • GET 'api/Vet/V1/Students'
  • GET 'api/Vet/V1/Students?dateapplied=17/11/2015'
  • GET 'api/Vet/V1/Students?dateapplied=17/11/2015&empid=2'
  • GET 'api/Vet/V1/Students?id=STD152001&status=completed'

GET api/Vet/V1/Students/{id}

Get student information by specified student id.

GET api/Vet/V1/Students/{id}/Applications?empid={empid}&dateapplied={dateapplied}&status={status}

Get list of applications for particular student.

GET api/Vet/V1/Students/Applications?id={id}&empid={empid}&dateapplied={dateapplied}&status={status}

Get all existing applications. (Only latest 500 applications, if no search parameter filter provided.)

GET api/Vet/V1/Students/Validate?stdid={stdid}&email={email}&dob={dob}&username={username}

Validate if the provided student information is matching to any existing data or not by provided QUERY String.
The combination of 2 matching fields are required.

POST api/Vet/V1/Students/Validate

Validate if the provided student information is matching to any existing data or not by FORM POST.
The combination of 2 matching fields are required.

POST api/Vet/V1/Students/{id}/Applications

Submit the application (list of courses applied) for existing student.

POST api/Vet/V1/Students/Applications

Submit a new application by direct apply.

Data will be recorded up to Student table (Participant section).

If submit with same student data again (System is checking Email address and Date of birth), system will only add new course to Student Course table (Participant section).

Also, if submit with same course information for the same student, it will still add the course but record as a new course attempt (e.g. Attempt 1 to 2).


Interface for venue/training location information. Restricted by resource owner from valid RTOManager-Local client.

GET api/Vet/V1/Venues?vcode={vcode}&vsuburb={vsuburb}&vstate={vstate}&vpostcode={vpostcode}&ciocode={ciocode}&courseid={courseid}

Get all venues/training locations list.

[Optional] You can filter venue result with specific search filter by query strings

  • GET 'api/Vet/V1/Venues'
  • GET 'api/Vet/V1/Venues?vcode=ultimoHall1'
  • GET 'api/Vet/V1/Venues?vstate=nsw&courseid=BSB50401'
  • GET 'api/Vet/V1/Venues?vpostcode=2015&ciocode=intake2'

GET api/Vet/V1/Venues/{id}

Get venue/training location information by specific venue code/identifier

GET api/Vet/V1/Venues/{id}/CourseOfferIntakes

Get list of associated course offer intakes by specific venue code.